Collecting books without reading

Started by Abu Muhammad, Sep 30, 2023, 12:43 PM

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Abu Muhammad

📌 Collecting books without reading

❓ Question: I own a lot of useful books and references, but I read only a few. However, some people borrow books from me. Is it a sin to keep so many books?

✍🏻 Answer: It is perfectly all right to collect and keep books in a library, for personal use and for guests to read. It does not matter if the books are not all used. By lending books to trustworthy people to read, it can be a good charity project. As a means to pleasing Allāh, the project helps in the dissemination of useful knowledge, and it meets Allāh's call "Help you one another unto birr and taqwā..." (5: 2) It also meets the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) call in this ḥadīth: "Allāh aids the one who aids another." [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim (2699)]

📚 Source: Anthology of Fatwas by Scholars of the Holy Land – A fatwa by Shaykh ibn Bāz (1/65-66)