‘Abdullāh bin Mubārak

‘Abdullāh bin Mubārak on Undervaluing Three Types of People

'Abdullāh bin Mubārak (may Allāh have mercy upon him) said: “It is right that an intelligent person does not undervalue three (types of people): The Scholars, the Rulers, and (his Muslim) brothers. Whoever undervalues the Scholars will lose his afterlife, whoever undervalues the rulers will lose his worldly life, and whoever undervalues his brothers loses his good character and conduct.”

By |2022-10-10T12:02:53+03:00Mon, 16 Rabi Al Awwal 1442 AH – 02 November 2020|Categories: 'Abdullāh bin Mubārak, Sayings of the Scholars|
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