Shaykhul Islām ibn Taymiyyah

Shaykhul Islām ibn Taymiyyah on Dealing with People

Shaykhul Islām ibn Taymiyyah (may Allāh have mercy upon him) said: “When a single person possess both good and evil, wickedness and obedience, sunnah and innovation, he deserves allegiance and reward in accordance with the level of good that he has, and he deserves enmity and punishment in accordance with the level of evil that he has, so he receives from both of these. This is the basic rule concerning which Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamā'ah are agreed, while the khwāraij, the muta'zilah, and those who agree with them oppose them in it.”

By |2024-11-24T12:14:57+03:00Sun, 19 Safar 1443 AH – 26 September 2021|Categories: Sayings of the Scholars, Shaykhul Islām ibn Taymiyyah|
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